RHEMA WORD (01/08 / 2015) “Trust in the Lord with your whole heart soul and might, and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways acknowledge Me, and I will direct your path. Timing has everything to do with your circumstances. Jumping ahead of My timing is like placing the cart in front of the horse, and accomplishes nothing.  But when you are given My inspiration to move forward to accomplish a task, then do it. If I am guiding you to make preparation toward a goal, don’t always be concerned as to when it will be completed, because it may be the task of another to complete. This, by no means, indicates you have failed to fulfill your purpose.  Learn to be at peace in whatever situation you presently find yourself in; knowing that your present life is only temporary, and that you have eternity ahead of you. So don’t be discouraged, comparing yourself to others, or feel as though you haven’t accomplished enough, or even failed.  Your life is life a race where you must get to your finish line, in order to hand off the Paton to the next generation to be continued. You are too concerned about your perceived accomplishments, and achievements. And rely on your own goals and efforts to achieve personal value, incentive, and purpose, which are rooted in pride. Trust in Me, Let Me lead you in the ways you should go, to achieve your destiny. Like the birds of the air, they don’t worry about tomorrow, of what they should eat or drink, or do. Nor even think of accomplishments. Yet I take care of them.  Take one day at a time, and don’t anticipate what tomorrow may bring. You don’t know the final destiny of you present life, nor the life to come. The primary objective of your life is to be in Me, and I in you, living in unity as one in purpose, love and life. I Am your source of all things now and forever.”