Tribulation and Difficulties are Training to Overcome RHEMA WORD (1/ 07 / 2014)

“Hold on and don’t let go, for the time of the end is soon at hand. Destiny in this life is not destiny for eternity. What you experience now in your present life is not the end, but a means to an end, or preparation for the life to come.

By your own unique and individual personality and character can you be depended upon to be faithful to the end, trusted, and stay strong in the face of adversity? Some may seem strong and secure and trustworthy, when everything is easy, and moving in a positive direction.

But when adversity, trials and tribulation comes, they fall apart, due to a lack of discipline and spiritual seasoning, refinement and preparation for what is soon coming. They are able to overcome obstacles, because they know their God, and they know what He can do.

Those who face obstacles and difficulties in this present life is actually being blessed, because it is training to become strong, consistent, and dependable when things get hard. It is like going through basic training in the military.

If you’re not being trained, developed, and prepared, how can you be expected to overcome and defeat the powers of darkness? As scripture says; ‘consider it with all joy when you face trials and tribulation, because it is for the refinement of the saints, to be able to overcome every obstacle, not only in this life, but also the life to come.”